Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1-16

* Aim: - Reading for specific information.

* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Ba's friend.

* Teaching aids: - Text books.

* Procedure:

Content Teacher's activities Sts' activities

* Warm-up: (Chatting).

 Look at the pictures (p.10) and answer the questions.

a. What are these students doing?

b. Do you like soccer / reading books.?

c. Whom do you like playing with?

* Pre-reading:

 Pre-teach vocabulary:

- character (translation).

- an orphanage: a place where children without parents live.

- reserved (adj)

- sociable translation

- (to) tell jokes: tell a story which makes people laugh.

- sense of humor (translation).

 T / F statements prediction:

a. Ba only has three friends - Bao, Song, Khai.

b. Ba and his friends have the same characters.

c. Bao-Song-Khai are quite reserved in public.

d. They all enjoy school and study hard.

 Give feedback:

* While reading:

 Read the text (p.13).

 Check their prediction.

 Correction:

a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao, Song and Khai.

b. They have different characters.

c. Only Song and Khai are quite reserved.

 Multiple choice:

(do exercise 1 on page 14).

* Post-reading:

 Read the text again and answer the questions (exercise 2 p.14)

* Homework:

- Learn vocabulary by heart.

- Read the text fluently. - Ask Ss to look at four pictures on page 10 and talk about the activities they want to do after school or in their free time.

- Present and give the meaning of new words.

- Guide Ss to read them in chorus.

- Check Ss' memory by using technique "What and where".

- Present the statements on the board.

- Set the scene: These statements are about Ba and his friends, read them and guess which statements are True / False.

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the text on page 13.

- Correct their mistakes.

- Guide Ss how to do exercise 1 (p.14) and give the correct answers.

- Let Ss read the text again and answer the questions.

- Read the answers and correct the mistakes. - Look at the pictures and talk about the activities they do after school or in their free time.

- Listen and repeat.

- Copy down.

- Listen and read new words in chorus.

- Read and then write the words again in the correct circles.

- Read the statements given and guess which statements are True, which are False.

- Read the text and check their prediction.

- Correct false statements.

- Read the text again and choose the best answers on page 14.

- Read the text and answer the questions in pairs.

- Write the answer on the board.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1-16

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 - Unit 1-16
Unit 1: My friends
- Week: 1
- Period: 2
- Teaching date:	- Lesson 1: - Listen & Read
	 	 - Language focus 1
* Aim: - Reading the dialogue for details and revision of simple present and simple past tenses.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa-Lan-Nien and to review simple present and simple past tense.
* Teaching aids: - Text book, cards.
* Procedure:
Teacher's activities
Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Pelmanism).
* Pre-reading:
1. Pre-teach vocabulary:
- to seem (translation).
- a next door neighbor.
(explanation: a person who lives next to your house).
- to look like (translation).
2. Pre-questions:
a. Is Nien Lan's friend or Hoa's friend?
b. How old is Nien?
c. Where does Nien live?
d. Is she a beautiful girl?
* While-reading:
Read the dialogue (p.10).
Check the answers
Read the dialogue again
Answer the questions in exercise 2 on page 11.
* Answers:
a. Nien lives in Hue.
b. No, she doesn't.
c. The sentence is "She wasn't old enough to be in my class".
d. At Christmas.
* Post-reading:
Gap-filling: (live-sent-be-come)
"Hoa (1) in Hue last year, but now she (2) in Hanoi. Yesterday, Hoa's friend Nien (3) Hoa a letter. Nien (4) Hoa's friend neighbor when Hoa lived in Hue. She (5) yourger than Hoa. She (6) to Hanoi in December.
* Homework:
Ask students to do exercise 1(a) ; 1(b) (page 16) on their notebooks.
- Guide Ss how to play the game.
- Present new words on the board.
- Guide Ss to read new words.
- Check Ss' memory by using technique "Rub out and remember".
- Give Ss some questions and ask them to answer them.
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue.
- Give the correct answers.
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions.
- Call on some students to ask and answer the questions.
- Correct their mistakes or pronunciation.
- Ask Ss to use the simple present and simple past tense to complete paragraph 1a (p.16)
- Provide some verbs so that Ss can use them to fill in the gaps.
- Matching words.
- Listen and repeat.
- Copy down.
- Read new words in chorus.
- Read the questions and answer them in pairs.
- Give feed back?
- Read the dialogue and check their pre diction.
- Read the dialogue again and answer the question.
- Ask and answer the questions.
- Read the paragraph and fill in the gaps with the suitable words
- Week: 1
- Period: 3
- Teaching date:	- Lesson 2: + Speak (page 11).
	 	 + Listen (page 12, 13).
* Aim: - Listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe someone and complete the dialogue by listening.
* Teaching aids: - Text book.
* Procedure:
Teacher's activities
Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Brainstorming).
 thin curly 
 body build hair
* Presentation:
Ex: - She has long blond hair.
 - She is short and thin.
----> Form:
S + have / has + adjectives + hair
S + be + adjectives
* Practice:
1. Word one drill:
a. He / tall / thin.
b. She / short / shin.
c. He / short / fat.
d. long / black.
e. curly / blond.
f. straight / brown.
2. Practice speaking:
* Example:
S1: This person is short and thin. She has long blond 
S2: Is this Mary?
S1: Yes.
* Pre-listening:
Present the expressions in the box (p.12).
Explain and read the expression
Gap fill prediction.
(Dialogues p.12-13)
Give feedback.
* While listening:
Listen to the tape twice.
Compare with their prediction.
* Post-listening:
Practise the dialogues.
- Ask Ss to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair.
- Show Ss a picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair, her body build.
- Explain the structure.
- Supply the word cues and ask Ss to complete the sentences.
- Ask Ss to look at six people on page 11-12-Call on a student to describe one person, the others have to guess who he/she is
- Give Ss some expressions and make sure they know their mean mgs. 
- Get Ss to guess and to complete four dialogues on page 12-13.
- Let students (to) listen to the tape twice.
- Listen and correct their (prediction) pronunciation.
- Give the adjectives to describe body build and hair.
- Describe Mary.
- Listen and copy down.
- Complete the sentences based on cues.
- Look at six people and describe them
- Listen and read the expressions.
- Read the open dialogues (p.12-13) and fill in the blanks with the suitable expressions.
- Listen to the tape and then check their prediction.
- Pratise the dialogues.
- Week: 2
- Period: 4
- Teaching date:	- Lesson 3: - Getting started (p.10).
	 	 - Read (p.13 - 14).
* Aim: - Reading for specific information.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Ba's friend.
* Teaching aids: - Text books.
* Procedure:
Teacher's activities
Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Chatting).
Look at the pictures (p.10) and answer the questions.
a. What are these students doing?
b. Do you like soccer / reading books...?
c. Whom do you like playing with?
* Pre-reading:
Pre-teach vocabulary:
- character (translation).
- an orphanage: a place where children without parents live.
- reserved (adj)
- sociable translation
- (to) tell jokes: tell a story which makes people laugh.
- sense of humor (translation).
T / F statements prediction:
a. Ba only has three friends - Bao, Song, Khai.
b. Ba and his friends have the same characters.
c. Bao-Song-Khai are quite reserved in public.
d. They all enjoy school and study hard.
Give feedback:
* While reading:
Read the text (p.13).
Check their prediction.
a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao, Song and Khai.
b. They have different characters.
c. Only Song and Khai are quite reserved.
Multiple choice:
(do exercise 1 on page 14).
* Post-reading:
Read the text again and answer the questions (exercise 2 p.14)
* Homework:
- Learn vocabulary by heart.
- Read the text fluently.
- Ask Ss to look at four pictures on page 10 and talk about the activities they want to do after school or in their free time.
- Present and give the meaning of new words.
- Guide Ss to read them in chorus.
- Check Ss' memory by using technique "What and where".
- Present the statements on the board.
- Set the scene: These statements are about Ba and his friends, read them and guess which statements are True / False.
- Ask Ss to open their books and read the text on page 13.
- Correct their mistakes.
- Guide Ss how to do exercise 1 (p.14) and give the correct answers.
- Let Ss read the text again and answer the questions.
- Read the answers and correct the mistakes. 
- Look at the pictures and talk about the activities they do after school or in their free time.
- Listen and repeat.
- Copy down.
- Listen and read new words in chorus.
- Read and then write the words again in the correct circles.
- Read the statements given and guess which statements are True, which are False.
- Read the text and check their prediction.
- Correct false statements.
- Read the text again and choose the best answers on page 14.
- Read the text and answer the questions in pairs.
- Write the answer on the board.
- Week: 2
- Period: 5
- Teaching date:	- Lesson 4: - Write (p.15)
	 	 - Language focus 3 (p.17)
* Aim: - Writing about oneself and about other people.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends.
* Teaching aids: - Text books.
* Procedure:
Teacher's activities
Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Kim's game).
Look at the pictures and describe the people in the picture (p.17)
a. How many people are there in the picture?
b. What is each person weaning?
* Pre-writing:
Read the information about Fam.
Answer the questions (exercise 2 p.15).
* While-writing:
Write a paragraph about Tam based on the answers.
His / Her name is.......She is.......years old. He / She lives his.......He / She is tall,..........
He / She has
He / She has a lot of friends
Write some information about one of their friends, then write a paragraph about him or her.
* Post-writing:
Speak in front of the class about himself / herself.
* Homework:
- Ask students to write another paragraph about one of their family members.
- Ask Ss to look at the picture (p.17) quickly. Then let Ss keep their books closed.
- Divide the class in to 4 groups. The group which answers come city the fastest wins the game.
- Ask Ss to read the information about Tam then answer the questions.
- Let Ss write a paragraph about Tam, using the information they have just got.
- Ask Ss to compare with the paragraph in their books on page 15.
- Let Ss write a paragraph about one of their friends.
- Get Ss to share with their partners and correct if possible.
- Look at the picture and answer the questions in group.
- Read the information and then answer the questions.
- Write a paragraph about Tam, using the information (individually).
- Compare with the paragraph in their books on page 15.
- Write a paragraph about one of their friends.
- Correct the mistakes if possible.
- Week: 2
- Period: 6
- Teaching date:	- Lesson 5: Language 2 - 4 (p.16 - 17)
* Aim: - Farther practice in simple present tense and the structure (not) + adjectives enough + to-infinitive.
* Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about general truths and write some sentences using the structure (not) + adjective enough + to-infinitive.
* Teaching aids: - Text book - cards - pictures.
* Procedure:
Teacher's activities
Sts' activities
* Warm-up: (Categories).
Find but the adjectives beginning with the letters given.
- Example
+ T writes: a b c d
+ S writes: awful big clever disty.
* Prese ... Manufacturing Process
Answer key:
1. The beans are washed, weighed and cooked.
2. The shells are removed.
3. The beans are crushed and liqnified
4. Cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added.
5. The mixture is ground, rolled, and pound into the molds.
- Divide the class into 2 teams. Tell ss the teams raising their hands first willhave the right to answer the questions.
- Get ss to look at the pictureon page 147 and ask them some questions to evaluate how much they understand thepictures.
- Ask Ss to do the matching on page 147.
- Give feedback and correct.
- Elicit words from Ss.
- Guide Ss to read words in chorus.
- Check vocb by technique "Slap the board".
- Set the scene to introduce thedialogue.
- Ask Ss to do exercise 2 on page 149.
- Give feedback and correct.
- Put the grid on the board.
- Give feedback and correct.
- Answer the questions.
- Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
- Read the sentences (A àE) and match them with the correct pictures.
- Give their answers.
- Say words in English or in VNese.
- Listen and repeat.
- Copy down.
- Slap theright word on the board.
- Read thedialogue and match the half sentences.
- Compare their answers for the class.
- Copy the grid.
- Read the dialogua again and fill in the grid.
- Go to theboar and write their answers.
	Unit 16: ( Cont)
 - Lesson 2: - Speak. (p.149, 150)
	- Language Focus ( p.156)
	- Week: 	- Period: 
	- Teaching date:	
* Aim: - Futher practice in using the passive.
* Objective: - Ss can talk about the inventions the passive.
* Teaching aids: - tables.
* Procedure:
T's activties
Ss' activities
* Warm-up: (Bingo)
Foreman, process, manufacture, remove, crush, liquify, grind, pour, mold, conveyorbelt.
* Speak 1, 2:
* Presentation:
Ÿ Pre-teach vocab:
- Facsimile
- Reiuforced concrete
- Microphone
- X-ray
- Loundspeaker.
- Helicopter
Ÿ Grammar Awareness
Read the dialogue again and pick out taát caû of the passive sentences
1. This is where the cocoa beans are stored.
2. That button cannot be touched.
3. Thebeans are washed, weighed and cooked here.
4. After the shells are removed... into molds.
* Practice:
Ÿ Word-cue Drill
Ÿ Ask and answer questions to fill in the missing information in the tables on page 150 and 156.
T.What was invented by Friedrich Koenig?
S. Printing Press.
T. When was it invinted?
S. In 1810.
S. Where was Koenig from?
T. He was from Germany.
* Production:
Ÿ Making reports.
Eg: The printing Press was invented by Friedrich Koenig in 1810.
- Get Ss to brainsrorm a list of 10 words and write them on the board.
- Call out the words until someone has ticked all of the words and shouts "bingo".
- Have Ss study the meanings of the inventions using Vietnamese.
- Give instructions.
- Review the passive in the present and past simple tenses.
- Give instructions.
- Monitor and help Ss if necessary
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the exchenges.
- Correct the mistakes.
- Model and have Ss repeat.
 Choose any 4 words and copy them into their paper.
- Study the meaning of the invetions.
- Read the dialogue on page 148 again and pick out all of the passive sentences.
- Give their answers.
- Read themodel dialogue on page 149
- Askand answer questions about the inventions to fill in the missing information.
- Give feedback
-Complete the table
- Use the complete table to report what they have found.
	Unit 16: ( Cont)
 - Lesson 3: - Listen 1,2 (p.150, 151)
	- Read 1, 2 ( p.151, 152)
	- Week: 	- Period: 
	- Teaching date:	
* Aim: - Listening and reading for information about papermaking and inventions.
* Objective: - Ss can fill in the gaps and order sentences à from listening.
* Teaching aids: - pictures (p.150)
* Procedure:
T's activties
Ss' activities
* Pre-listening: (Listen 1, 2)
□ Pre-teach vocab:
- Procedure (n)
- Pulp
- Vat
- Drain
- Roller
- Roll
* While-listening.
Ÿ Listen 1 (page 150)
Ÿ Answer key:
1. Simple
2. Same
3. Two hundred
4. Left
5 Rollers
* Post-listening
Ÿ Ordering Prediction 
(Listen 2 p.150)
Ÿ Answer key:
c) Paper pulp was placed in the vat.
d) Paper pulp was mixed with water.
a) The water was drained.
e) The pulp fibers were poured out.
g) The pulp was cinveyed under the rollers.
 Read 1, 2.
* Pre-reading:
□ Pre-teachvocabulary:
Washing machine
Household appliances
- Microwave (n)
- Vacuum (n)
- Toaster (n)
□ Checking technique "Bingo"
* While-reading:
□ Matching ( Read 1 p.151, 152)
Ÿ Questions:
+ What's the 1ST verse about?
+ Is the 2hd verse about the appliances used in the kitchen?
+ What are "Doom, chugga-chug, vroom, boom?"
Ÿ Match the headings to the verse on page 152.
Ÿ Answer key:
+ Verse 1: b. Appliances that cook food.
+ Verse 2: c. Appliances that clean and dry things.
+ Verse 3: a. Instrucment invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
* Post-reading:
□ Gap-fill (read 2)
□ Answer key:
1. Vacuum 4. Microwave.
2. Telephone 5. Hair dryer
3. Washingmachine 6. Toaster.
- Elicit words from ss.
- Guide Ss to read in chorus.
- Have ss copy 
- Check vocab by technique "What and where".
- Inform the topic paper-marking process.
- Play thetape and ask Ss to fill in the gaps with the words they catch.
- Give feedback and correct
- Ask Ss to read the senteces (aàg) and guess the order.
- Write the Ss' predictions on the board.
- Play the tape again.
- Call on Ss to give their correction
- Correct the mistakes.
- Elicit words from Ss and write them on the board.
- Guide Ss to read words in chorus.
- Check vocab by technique "Bingo".
- Get Ss to read the poem.
- Ask some questions to help ss understand the reading more.
- Ask ss to do exercise 1 on page 152.
- Give feedback and correct.
- Ask Ss to do exercise 2 on page 152.
- Call on Ss to give their answere and correct.
- Saywords in English or VNese
- Listen and repeat.
- Copy down. 
- Read the sentences (listen 1 p.150)
- Listen and fill in the gaps.
- Compare their answers with their partners.
- Give their answers.
- Read and predict theorder of the sentences in the part listen 2 on page 150.
- Listen and check their prediction.
- Say words in English or VNese.
- Listen and repeat.
- Copy down.
- Read the poem on page 151.
- Listen and answer the questions.
- Match the headings to the verses.
- Give their answers.
- Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the inventions taken from the poems.
- Compare their answers with their partners.
Unit 16: ( Cont)
 - Lesson 4: - Write 1,2 (p.152, 153)
	- Language 4 ( p.155)
	- Week: 	- Period: 
	- Teaching date:	
* Aim: - Futher practice in using the sequence markers.
* Objective: - Ss can use the sequence markers to describe a manufacuring procedure.
* Teaching aids: - pictures (p.153)
* Procedure:
T's activties
Ss' activities
* Warm-up (Jumbled words)
1. Lppu = pulp
2. Ureor = roller
3. Morever = remove
4. Darniver = drain
5. Berifver = fibre.
 Write 1:
* Pre-writing:
□ Pre-teach vocab:
- A log = a thick piece of wood that is cut from a tree.
- To flatten: to make sth become flat.
- To refine.
- Chemically: treated in a chemical process.
□ Checking technique:
Rub out and remember.
□ Gap-fill (Write 1 p.152) 
+ What is cut into chips?
+ What are chips mixed with before they are crushed to heavy pulp?
+ Why is the pulp passed through rollers?
+ What is the last step in paper-making?
□ Answer key:
1. First 4. After this.
2. Then 5. Then
3.Next 6. Finally.
 Write 2:
□ Ordering pictures:
1d. The fruit harvest is fermented for 3 to 9 days to kill the beans and turn them brown.
2a. The beans are dried in the sun.
3e. The beans are cleared in special machines.
4c. Thebeans are roasted to bring out the chocolate flavor.
5b. They are shelled and ground to produce chocolate liquor.
6f. The liquor is made into chocolate candy or cocoa pouder.
Ÿ Answer key: 6- 2- 4- 1- 5- 3.
* While-writing:
Ÿ Use the sequence makers in exercise "write 1" to link the sentences together in a paragraph.
Ÿ Answer key:
1d, 2a, 3e, 4c, 5b, 6f.
* Post-writing (Language Focus 4)
□ Word cue Drill (exercise 4 on page 155) 
□ Answer key:
Firt, the rice crop is harvested. Then the rice plants are threshed. Next, the rice grains are husked in the mill to produce brown rice. After this, the bran is removed in the mortar and it is finally winnowed toproduce white rice.
- Present the Jumbled words on the board.
- Inform the topic.
- Elicit words from Ss.
- Guide Ss to read words in chorns.
- Check vocab by technique "Rub out and remember".
- Ask ss to do exercise "write 1" on page 152.
- Ask some questions to check if they understand the text.
- Give feedback and the correct.
- Give instruction.
- Ask Ss to put the pictures that describe how cacao beans are processed in the correct order.
- Give feedback and correct.
- Give instructions.
- Call on Ss to give their answer.
- Have Ss use the sequence markers to link the sentences together in a paragraph.
- Give feedback and correct.
- Give instructions.
- Monitor while Ss are writing and help if necessary.
- Call on some Ss to read their writing 
- Give feedback and correct.
- Read and reurite the right words.
- Give words in English or in VNese.
-Listen and repeat.
- Copy down. 
- Read the text on page 152 and fill in the gaps with the right sequence makers to descrbe the procedure of paper making.
- Read the completed sentences.
- Look at the picture on page 153.
- Think of the process of chocolate-making and put the pictures in the correct order.
- Read the statements aloud.
- Rearrange the sentences on page 153 according to the ordered pictures.
- Link the sentences together in a paragraph.
- Read their writing for the class.
- Use the pictures and the word cues on page 155 to write a description of how white rice is produced in the traditional way, using the sequence markers..

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