Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: At home and away - Năm học 2020-2021


 1. Knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and use the knowledge of:

* Vocabulary: was, were, had, did, took, bought, wasn’t, gift, trip, tired, shark, dolphin, turtle, crap, type of fish, cap, poster, saw, wore, ate, rent, on the other side of, keep in touch, keep - kept, teach - taught, improve, bring - brought, cut, hairdresser, neighbor, material, dressmaker, make, sew, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, try, fit

* Structures: The past simple tense, the past simple tense with irregular verbs; to be on the other side of.; What a/an .!

- Students will be able to talk about Liz's holiday in Nha Trang and activities happened in the past; read and understand Ba's diary. Then, students can write their diary in English; talk about the neighbors using the past simple tense.

 2. Ability:

- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations.

- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.

- Students have a general understanding of the content of the lesson; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.

 3. Quality:

- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.

- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.


- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers

- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: At home and away - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: At home and away - Năm học 2020-2021
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and use the knowledge of:
* Vocabulary: was, were, had, did, took, bought, wasn’t, gift, trip, tired, shark, dolphin, turtle, crap, type of fish, cap, poster, saw, wore, ate, rent, on the other side of, keep in touch, keep - kept, teach - taught, improve, bring - brought, cut, hairdresser, neighbor, material, dressmaker, make, sew, hobby, decide, sewing machine, cushion, try, fit
* Structures: The past simple tense, the past simple tense with irregular verbs; to be on the other side of...; What a/an .!
- Students will be able to talk about Liz's holiday in Nha Trang and activities happened in the past; read and understand Ba's diary. Then, students can write their diary in English; talk about the neighbors using the past simple tense. 
	2. Ability: 
- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations.
- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the content of the lesson; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality: 
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect themselves, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for themselves, their family and the country associated with the content of the lesson.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers
- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
Date of preparation: / /2021 
Date of presentation: / /2021 - Class 7A
 / /2021 - Class 7B 
Lesson 1:A- A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A1 )
	1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation of the lesson. 
 b) Content: Students listen and answer teacher's questions about their vacation. Answer the questions in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to answer the question about their vacation in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
*Make questions for students:
+What do you always do in summer vacation?
+Do you like traveling?
+Do you know which place is it?
+What you do when you visit Nha Trang?
Now we are going to listen to a conversation between Ba and Liz. They are talking about Liz’s vacation in Nha Trang. You listen and tell me what they did there
- Students answer the questions.
- Students listen to a conversation between Ba and Liz.
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.Learn and use language materials simply. 
 b) Content: Listen and repeat the dialogue. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups: ask and answer the questions, then, present in the class.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
@Play the tape twice and ask students to repeat it.
Have students work with a partner
Call on some pairs and ask them to present in the class.
Listen and correct their mistakes if they have.
Talk about the Liz's activities in the dialogue using subject "I" (activities happened in the past)
Listen and repeat the dialogue.
Work with a partner.
Present in the class.
Read and talk.
a. How was your vacation in N.T?
What did you think of N.T?
c. What places did you visit/ your parents take you to see?
d. Did you buy any souvenirs?
e. Were you tired after the trip?
Ask the students to ask and answer with a partner.
Listen to them carefully and correct their mistakes.
+ It was wonderful. I had a lot of fun.
+ It was beautiful. The people were friendly, but most things weren’t cheap.
+ My parents took me to see Cham Temples and Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
+ Yes, I did. I bought a lot of different gifts for friends in America.
+ No, I wasn’t.
Then practice in the class.
(And talk about Liz If students can)
	3. Activities 3: (16’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson.
 b) Content: Listen, read and answer the questions. Apply knowledge to arrange these sentences and practice the dialogue with a partner.
 Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
@ Have the students read again the dialogue.
Then ask them to arrange those sentences into order with a partner
Call on students to read in the class. Then give the keys.
Explain about: 
Ask and answer these questions again in the class.
Read again the dialogue.
Arrange these sentences with a partner.
Speak in the class.
+ Liz went to Nha Trang.
+ Liz visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium.
+ Liz bought souvenirs.
+ Liz returned to Ha Noi.
+Liz talked to Ba about her vacation.
- Ask them to read after teacher.
+ go- went + do- did
+ buy- bought + visit- visited
+ take- took + talk- talked
+ have- had + return- returned
+be- was/ were
- Students read after teacher.
	4. Activities 4: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements: answer the questions about Liz.
 b) Content: Read the reading again and then answer the questions about Liz. Students apply knowledge to tell about their vacation as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements in small groups; experience in the situations then present in the class.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they've learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
@ Have students read the reading again and then answer the questions about Liz.
Listen, read after the teacher and answer the questions about Liz:
+Where did Liz go on vacation?
+Who went to the aquarium with Liz?
+What did she buy in N.T?
+Was she tired after the trip?
Listen and correct the mistakes.
*Ask the students talk about you by asking some questions:
-Where did you go last vacation?
-What did you think of it?
-What places did you visit?
-What did you buy?
-Were you happy after the trip? 
+ Liz went to Nha Trang on vacation.
+ Her parents went to the Aquarium with Liz
+ She bought a lot of different gifts for her friends.
+ No, she wasn’t.
Practice in small groups.
Talk in the class.
3. Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson at home: Read the dialogue many times and learn by heart the verbs in the past tense.
+ do exercises: talk about Liz and yourselves in past vacation.
+ get ready for the next lesson.
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Date of preparation: / /2021 
Date of presentation: / /2021 - Class 7A
 / /2021 - Class 7B 
Lesson 2:A-A holiday in Nha Trang. ( A2,3 )
	1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation of the lesson. 
 b) Content: Students put the correct verbs in the blanks; work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to put the correct verbs in the blanks and to communicate situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
- Guide students to: Put the correct verbs in the blanks.
You knew that Liz and her family visited Tri Nguyen aquarium. Can you guess what Liz and her family did during the visit to Tri Nguyen?
- Call on some students to guess (they can guess by Vietnamese)
- Lead in the lesson.
- Students put the correct verbs in the blanks: Tri Nguyen with her parents. She.........a lot of souvenirs for her friends in America.She............
tired after the trip. She....................a great time.(bought, was’t. had, went)
- Students listen and join in the new lesson.
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and 
language materials of - shark, dolphin, turtle, crab, cap, see ( saw), wear ( wore), eat (ate ). 
 b) Content: Listen to the tape and read it. work with a partner by asking and ansering the questions in the book. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
@Play the tape and ask students to listen and read while listening the tape.
Go around the class and help them.
Call on some students to read the text in the class. Listen and correct their mistakes.
Note the words that they don’t know:
Ask them to work with a partner by asking and ansering the questions in the book.
Call on some students to read loudly in the class.
Listen and give the correct answers:
Listen to the text and r ... y for the next lesson.
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Date of preparation: / /2021 
Date of presentation: / /2021 - Class 7A
 / /2021 - Class 7B 
Lesson 4: B-Neighbors. ( B1,2 )
	1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify and use knowledge in the previous lesson; understand the situation of the lesson. 
 b) Content: Students talk about the activities that they did last; work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned about the past simple tense to make sentences and to communicate in the situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
- Ask students to talk about the activities that they did last week.
- Have them look at the pictures and listen to the teacher: Hoa and Lan are friends. They are talking to other.
You know what they are taking about?
Now you listen to the tape and tell me what are they talking about.
- Students speak in the class, then write them.
- Look at the picture and guess what they are talking about.
- They are taking about
- Students listen and join in the new lesson.
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.
 b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply.
 Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups. 
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they've learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
@ Play the tape.
Ask students to the tape and rewrite things that you heard.
Play the tape again.
Have students talk in the class.
Ask them to open the books and compare with the dialogue.
Listen and repeat the dialogue.
Call on some students to practice the dialogue in the class.
Listen to the tape and write sentences that you are heard
Speak those sentences.
Look at the dialogue and compare.
Repeat the dialogue.
Practice in the class.
	3. Activities 3: (16’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson.
 b) Content: Listen, speak, read and write; think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to practice with the dialogues. / text.
 Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Listen and correct their mistakes.
Teacher explains:
What a nice dress!
What a clever woman!
What an interesting book!
They are compliments with What+ N Ask the students to compare with the compliments with How...........!
Give the new words: cut, neighbor, hairdresser, material, dressmaker.
Read these compliments
Listen and compare with How....!
Repeat the new words.
	4. Activities 4: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements.
 b) Content: Read, think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to make 
sentences/ dialogues as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements. Guide and ask students to ask and answer in pairs, groups, experience in the situations then present in the class.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations.
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
@ Have students read again the dialogue and then answer the questions: 
- What does Hoa’s aunt do?
Did her aunt cut Hoa’s hair?
What does Mrs. Mai do?
What did Mrs. Mai do for Hoa?
Read again the dialogue and answer the questions.
She’s a hairdresser.
Yes, she did.
Mrs. Mai is a dressmaker.
She bought the material and made the dress for Hoa.
Ask them to practice with a partner by asking an answering the questions
Listen and correct their mistakes.
Now you practice Yes- No question.
The first teacher makes questions
Did Hoa buy the dress?
 No, she didn’t.
Then ask students to practice.
@ Have students talk about your neighbors:
Are your neighbors friendly?
Do you sometimes help them?
Do they help you?
What do you do for them?
What do they do for you?
Ask them to work with a partner, then practice in the class.
Practice with a partner by using the Yes- No questions.
Talk about the neighbors by asking the following questions.
( by the students )
Listen and write the duty into the notebooks.
3. Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ Make 5 compliments;
+ Write 5 sentences about activities that you did yesterday.
+ get ready for the next lesson: B3-4.
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Date of preparation: / /2021 
Date of presentation: / /2021 - Class 7A
 / /2021 - Class 7B 
Lesson 5: B-Neighbors. ( B3-4 )
	1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify and use knowledge in the previous lesson; understand the situation of the lesson. 
 b) Content: Students answer the questions; work in individuals, in pairs or work in groups. Then, present in the class and join in the new lesson.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned about the past simple tense to make sentences and to communicate in the situations.
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
Make some questions for students:
- What do you learn in Home Economic?
- Do you like it?
- What do you like to do most in Home Economics?
Teacher can elicite some words: sewing, knitting, cooking ....etc
Lead in the new lesson.
- Students answer the questions:
+ We learn how to cook.
+ Yes, I do.
+ I like to cook most.
- Students líten and join in the new lesson.
	2. Activities 2: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.
 b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply. Work in individuals: read the text about Hoa. Then, work in pairs or work in groups to answer some questions about her.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they've learned to answer the questions and communicate in situations. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
@ Now you read the text about Hoa then answer some questions about her.
Ask students to read silently and tell the content of the text.
Teacher can make question for students: Who made a dress for Hoa?
Call some students to read the text on front of the class.
Listen and correct their mistakes by guiding them to read the new words.
Read the text about Hoa silently and 
Mrs. Mai- Hoa’s neighbor made a dress for her.
Read the text in the class.
Read and write these words
- Sew :may, vá
- sewing machine: máy may.
- cushion: gối
- try: thử/ cố gắng
- fit: vừa vặn
- hobby: sở thích
	3. Activities 3: (16’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson.
 b) Content: Listen, speak, read and write; think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to practice with the dialogues. / text.
 Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they've learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask them to answer the questions by working with a partner.
- Call some pairs to practice in the class. 
- Listen and correct their mistakes, and then give the correst answers:
- Have them write two sentences into their notebooks.
- Work with a partner.
- Practice in the class these questions and answers.
- Correct the mistakes and write two sentences.
* She learn how to use a sewing machine
- She made her cushion for her armchair first.
- It was blue and while.
- Next, she made her skirt.
- It was green with while flowers on it.
* It looked very pretty.
- She tried it on but it didn’t fit.
- Hoa’ neighbor helped her.
- Finally, it fitted very well.
	4. Activities 4: (10’)
 a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements.
 b) Content: Apply knowledge to tell about their neighbor as the teacher's requirements. Guide and ask students to tell about their neighbor by working with a partner.
 c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they've learned in doing exercies and in the communicative situations. 
 d) Organization of implementation: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Ask students to work with a partner to tell about their neighbor.
- Go around the class and help them by making some questions:
+ What is her/ his name?
+ How old is she/ he?
+ What does she/ he do?
+ What is she/ he good at?
- Then have them do exercise in part 4. Explain how to do with it.
- Call some students to read the work. Listen and give the correct answers: 
- Work with a partner to tell about their neighbor.
- First answer these questions and then tell about her or him.
- Do this exercise, after that read the work in the class.
- Listen and correct: watched, bought, cut, used, decided, was, made, was, wasn’t, helped, fitted.
3. Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:
+ learn the lesson, do exercises and get ready for the Language focus 3.
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