Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: The body - Năm học 2020-2021 (Bản hay)


 1. Knowledge.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ identify parts of the body.

+ physical descriptions of people

+ know how to ask and answer about the parts of the body used the present simple tense, adjectives (focus on the adjectives of colors), nouns for the parts of the body and some related words in the topic.

 2. Ability:

- Students can practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations to talk about the parts of the body.

- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.

- Students have a general understanding of the human body; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.

 3. Quality:

- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.

- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect yourself, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for yourself and your family.


- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers

- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: The body - Năm học 2020-2021 (Bản hay)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 theo CV5512 - Unit 9: The body - Năm học 2020-2021 (Bản hay)
Phụ lục IV
(Kèm theo Công văn số 5512/BGDĐT-GDTrH ngày 18 tháng 12 năm 2020 của Bộ GDĐT)
Môn học/Hoạt động giáo dục: TIẾNG ANH; lớp: 6
Thời gian thực hiện: Tuần 19-20 (số tiết: 5)
Date of preparation: /01/2021 
Date of presentation: 6A: /01/2021
6B: /01/2021
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ identify parts of the body.
+ physical descriptions of people
+ know how to ask and answer about the parts of the body used the present simple tense, adjectives (focus on the adjectives of colors), nouns for the parts of the body and some related words in the topic.
	2. Ability: 
- Students can practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations to talk about the parts of the body.
- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the human body; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality: 
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect yourself, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for yourself and your family.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers
- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
	1. Activities 1: Warm up: (6’)
a) Objective: 
- Help students review using:
+ What is this/ that?
+ What are these/those?
to identify, understand the situation of the new lesson.
b) Content: 
- Review and use language materials simply.
- Work in individual.
c) Products: Students know how to ask and answer.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
- T points to the things in the classroom and asks:
+ What is this/ that?
+ What are these/those?
- Teacher leads in the lesson.
- Students look at the things and answer:
+ This/ That/ It is 
+ These/ Those/ They are 
- Students listen and enjoy the lesson.
	2. Activities 2: Language materials.10’)
a) Objective:Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.
b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply. Work in individual.
c) Products: Students know how to to read the new words individual, play the game “rub out and remember”
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- T points to each part of the body to introduce the name of each part:
- Ss: Listen and write the parts of the body in their books.
- T reads the new words
- T calls some students to read the new words individual.
* Rub out and remember.
+ body (n) + hands (n)
+ head (n) + legs (n)
+ chest (n) + feet (a foot)
+ shoulders (n) + fingers (n)
+ arms (n) + toes (n)
- Ss: listen and repeat
- Ss: read the words individual
- Ss: do as directed
	3. Activities 3: Practice knowledge. (10’)
a) Objective: Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situation of the lesson using body language.
b) Content: Listen, think, read and apply knowledge to practice in the situations.Work individually, work in groups, experience in the situations.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to play the game: “Simon Says”.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- T asks students to play “Simon Says” game.
 + Simon says touch your head.
 + Simon says touch your chest.
 + Simon says touch your feet.
 + Simon says touch your shoulders.
 + Touch your legs.
 + Simon says touch your head.
 + Simon says touch your left hand.
- Ss: Do as directed: play game “Simon Says” 
+ touch the head.
+ touch the chest.
+ touch the feet.
+ touch the shoulders.
	4 Activities 4: (16’)
a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements.
b) Content: Read, ask and answer the questions, apply knowledge to make sentences/ dialogues as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements. Guide and ask students to ask and answer in pairs, groups, experience in the situations then present in the class.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned to ask and answer about the names of the parts of the body as the modals.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
* Picture Drill (A1 P. 96)
- T ? read the names of the parts of the body.
- T ? Ask and answer about the names of the parts of the body as the modals:
 What is that?
 What are those?
- T ? practice before class.
- T : consolidate the content of the lesson: repeat the names of the parts of the body.
- Ss: Read
- Ss: Practice asking and answering
Example exchanges
S1: What is that?
S2: That’s his [head].
S1: What are those?
S2: Those are his [shoulders].
- Ss recalls the names of the parts of the body.
- Ss: Listen and remember.
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students:learn the lesson, do exercises 1, 2/ P.83 in workbook and prepare A3-4-5.
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Date of preparation: /01/2021 
Date of presentation: 6A: /01/2021
6B: /01/2021
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ know about the adjectives and how to use the adjectives to describle people’s appearance.
+ identify parts of the body.
+ physical descriptions of people used the present simple tense, adjectives, nouns for the parts of the body and some related words in the topic.
	2. Ability: 
- Students practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to describle people’s appearance.
- Talk about people’s appearance using the adjectives they have learned in the lesson.
- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the human body; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality: .
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, love, respect and protect yourself, have a sense of self-training, take responsibility for yourself and your family.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, lan, textbooks and the necessary teaching aids ready for the presentation.
- Students prepare the lesson, textbooks and the necessary learning materials ready for the lesson.
	1. Activities 1: Warm up (8’)
a) Objective:Help students identify, understand some adjectives descibing the character of things / people.
b) Content: Learn and use the adjectives simply to describle people’s appearance.Work in individuals and work in pairs to ask and answer describling people’s appearance.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Let students play game: Networks with the parts of the body.
- Students play game: Networks
 Parts of the body
 Chest leg
- Asks students to ask and answer using 
+ What is that?
+ What are those?
- Asks for student's comments. Then estimate and correct if it is necessary.
- Students ask and answer:
S1: What is that?
S2: That’s his [head].
S1: What are those?
S2: Those are his [shoulders].
- Students show the comments. Listen to the teacher and correct if it is necessary.
	2. Activities 2: Language materials. 10’)
a) Objective:Help students identify, understand some adjectives descibing the character of things / people.
b) Content: Learn and use the adjectives simply to describle people’s appearance.Work in individuals and work in pairs to ask and answer describling people’s appearance.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Teacher asks students to look at the picture and introduces the words.
- Teacher asks students to read and write the words.
- Teacher asks students to listen and repeat
- Teacher asks students to read the words individual
- Teacher asks students to make sentences using the words to describle people’s appearance.
- Teacher asks students to show their sentences and check.
- Ss: List the parts of the body
- Ss: Listen and write the new words in their exercise books.
- Ss: Listen and repeat
- Ss: read the words individual
- Ss: Make sentences
Example Exchange
S1: She is tall or
S2: She is a tall girl.
- Ss: Write the form in their books.
	3. Activities 3: Practice knowledge. (14’)
a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learn to practice in the situations of the lesson by the T/F repetition drill. 
b) Content: Listen, repeat the sentences. Work in work in groups or the whole class, experience in the situations.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Teacher guides and asks students to do exercise: T/F repetition drill (A4 P. 98)
Picture a ... re textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
	1. Activity 1(6’)
a) Objective:Help students identify, understand the situation and the adjectives.
b) Content: Use language materials simply: describing their friends. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
- Let students describe their friends.
- Students describe their classmates.
- Ask students to show their sentences. Correct if necessary.
+ Lan’s a short girl. She’s fat.
+ Minh’s a fat man. He is tall.
+ Quang’s a short man. He’s fat.
+ Hoa’s a thin woman. She is tall.
	2. Activities 2: Language materials. 10’)
a) Objective:Help students identify, understand the situation and the adjectives of colors.
b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
 -T presents colors:
Color (AE) = Colour (BE)
- Ss: Listen and write the new words in their books.
-T reads the new words
? read the words individual.
+ black : màu đen
+ grey = gray: màu xám
+ red: màu đỏ
+ blue: màu xanh da trời
+orange: màu cam
+ brown: màu nâu
+ white: màu trắng
+ yellow: màu vàng
+ green: màu xanh lá cây
+ purple: màu tía
- Ss: Listen and repeat
- Ss: read the words individual
	3 Activities 3: Practice knowledge (16’)
a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learn by playing game: Finding friends with answer key as the table.
b) Content: Listen, speak, read and write; think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to practice with the dialogues. / text. Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
- Guide students to play game: Finding friends with answer key as the table.
- Students play game: Finding friends with answer key as the table.
She has
- Ss: Practice.
- Make sentences.
 + She has brown hair.
 +She has blue eyes.
*Dialogue Build.
Hoa: I have a new doll.
Mai: What color is her hair?
Hoa: It’s black.
Mai: What color are her eyes?
Hoa: They are brown.
- T presents the model sentences:
 What color is + N(số ít) ?
 are + N(sn)?
 à It is + color.
 They are 
- Ss :Listen and write the dialogue in their books.
- Ss :Listen and write the model sentences in their books.
	4. Activities 4: Happy applying (10’)
a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learned to practice with the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements: Ask and answer about the color of four dolls.
b) Content: Read, think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to make dialogues as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements. Guide and ask students to ask and answer in pairs, groups, experience in the situations then present in the class.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Picture drill B 3 P. 101
- T ? Ask and answer about the color of four dolls.
- T ? Practice before class.
- Reads the words of color
- Recall the model sentences.
- Ss: Practice
Example exchange
S1: What color is her hair?
S2: It’s [black].
S1: What color are her eyes?
S2: They are [brown].
- Ss: Practice before class.
- Ss: Listen and repeat
- Reads the words of color
- Recall the model sentences and remember. 
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students: learn the lesson at home: Learn the words of colors by heart; do exercises 4, 5/P.86 in workbook; get ready for the next lesson.
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Date of preparation: /01/2021 
Date of presentation: 6A: /01/2021
6B: /01/2021
Lesson 5: B - Faces (B4-5)
	1. Knowledge.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Know the words of the lesson about the parts of the body.
+ Know how to describe people's appearance.
	2. Ability: 
- Practice listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in communicative situations to talk about the people's appearance.
- Students form and develop competencies: the ability to autonomy and self-study, the ability to communicate and cooperate, to solve problems and to create.
- Students have a general understanding of the human body; has a positive attitude toward subject and learning English.
	3. Quality:
- Students have serious learning attitude; love learning English, energetically and actively participate in learning activities.
- Students' qualities are helped to develop such as: kindness, love for people, 
love, respect and protect yourself, have a sense of self-training, take 
responsibility for yourself and your family.
- Teacher prepares the lesson plan, textbooks, teaching aids such as personal computers, projectors, speakers
- Students prepare textbooks, notebooks, studying tools, ready for the lesson.
	1. Activity 1 (6’)
a) Objective: Help students identify and match an adjective to a noun to form a noun with adjective describing the people's appearance.
b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply: matching an adjective to a noun to form a noun with adjective to describe the people's appearance. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
- Let students match an adjective to a noun to form a noun with adjective describing the people's appearance.
- Students 
Match the words
nose brown short
 full oval eyes
 face hair small
	2. Activities 2: Language materials. (10’)
a) Objective: Help students identify, understand the situation and language materials.
b) Content: Learn and use language materials simply. Work in individuals, work in pairs or work in groups.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-T ? Name the adjectives describing face and head
-T writes them on the board.
- Ss: Name the adjectives describing head and face.
- Ss: Write in their books.
round à a round face
 oval à an oval
 full à full lips
 thin à thin
 long à long hair
 short à short
* Matching (B5 P. 102)
-T ? Listen and write the letters of the pictures in your exercise books.
T reads:
-T ? Give the answers before class
-T: Reads again to check the answers
Answer key
a; 2) c; 3) b; 4) d; 
- Ss: Listen and write the letters of the pictures in their exercise books.
No 1: He has an oval face and thin lips.
No 2: He has a round face.
No 3: She has a small face and long hair.
No 4: Her hair isn’t long and isn’t short.
- Ss: Give the answers before class
- Ss: Listen and check the answers.
* Prediction (Gap fill) B4 P.101
? Fill the information in the table.
? Give your guessing before class
- Students fill the information in the table.
- Ss: Give the guessing.
	3. Activities 3: Practice knowledge. (16’)
a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learn to listen and check their guessing; listen and write the correct answers in their books.
b) Content: Listen, speak, read and write; think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to practice with the dialogues. / text. Work in individuals, work in pairs, work in groups, experience in the situations.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
-T Reads the text B4 P. 101
- Ss: Listen and check their guessing.
? Read the text in silent and answer the questions in the text.(a – d P. 102) 
- Ss: Read the text in silent and answer the questions in the text.
-T? Practice asking and answering the questions in pair.
- Ss: Practice asking and answering the questions in pair.
-T: Listens and corrects mistakes a nd gives the correct answers.
- Ss: Listen and write the correct answers in their books.
a) It’s long.
b) It’s black.
c) They are brown.
d) It’s small.
e) They are thin.
	4. Activities 4: Happy applying (10’) 
a) Objective:Help students use the knowledge they have learned to describle these people according to the table. 
b) Content: Read, think, answer the questions, apply knowledge to make sentences as the requirements of the lesson or the teacher's requirements. Guide and ask students to ask and answer in pairs, groups, experience in the situations then present in the class.
c) Products: Students know how to use the knowledge they have learned.
d) Organization of implementation:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
? Describle these people according to the table. 
- Ask students to report in class.
- Ss: Describe.
+ My father is thin.
+ He has short black hair and brown eyes.
- Ss: Report in class.
My partner
My mum
My dad
My brother/
* Guide students to learn by themselves. (3')
- Teacher guides and asks students how to learn the lesson at home, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
- Students: learn the lesson, do exercises and get ready for the next lesson.
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