Đề kiểm tra Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2013-2014 - Trường THCS Vĩnh Bình (Có đáp án)

Hoa’s father, Mr Tuan, is a farmer. He works more hours than Tim’s father. He usually starts work at six in the morning. He has breakfast, then he feeds the buffalo, pigs and chickens, and collects the eggs.

 From about nine in the morning until four in the afternoon, Mr Tuan works in the fields with his brother. They grow some rice, but their main crop is vegetables. From 12 to 1 o’clock, Mr Tuan rests and eats lunch.

 At four in the afternoon, they come back home. Mr. Tuan feeds the animals again. Then he cleans the buffalo shed and the chicken coop. His work usually finishes at six.

 Our or five times a year when there is less work, Mr. Tuan takes a day off. He goes to the city with his wife. A farmer has no real vacations.

 1/ Does Mr. Tuan feed the animals before he has breakfast in the morning ?

 2/ When does Mr.Tuan rest and eat lunch ?

 3/ What does Mr. Tuan do after he feeds the animals again ?

 4/ How many times a year does Mr.Tuan have less work?

 5/ Where does Mr.Tuan’s brother works ?


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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề kiểm tra Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2013-2014 - Trường THCS Vĩnh Bình (Có đáp án)

Đề kiểm tra Học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2013-2014 - Trường THCS Vĩnh Bình (Có đáp án)
2012_ 2013 ( PGD )
Thời gian: 45 phút ( Hình thức tự luận)
I/ Đọc hiểu (2,5 đ – 5 câu hỏi)
Trong đó có 1 câu hỏi Yes/No.
- The world of work.
- After school.
II/ Chia động từ (trong chương trình) (2 đ – 4 câu).
Thì hiện tại đơn ( 2 câu) 
Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn( 1 câu)
Thì tương lai ( 1 câu)
III/ Giới từ (2 đ – 8 câu).
On, in , next to, in front of, of , at..
IV/ Điền từ vào chỗ trống: ( 1,5 đ- 6 chỗ trống)
- At school. 
- Work and play
V/ Viết đoạn văn (2 đ- 4 câu).
- Viết đoạn giới thiệu về em và những việc em sẽ làm và sẽ không làm vào ngày mai (tên, 3 việc làm: 2 việc sẽ làm + 1 việc sẽ không làm).
- Viết đoạn văn để giới thiệu về em và những việc em làm sau giờ học (sử dụng trạng từ chỉ tần suất – Languge focus 2) (tên + 3 hoạt động).
I/ Chia động từ trong từng câu: (8 động từ - 2 điểm).
Động từ của bài 9
Bất quy tắt: 2 câu
Hợp quy tắt: 2 câu
Phủ định: 1 câu
Yes/ no: 1 câu
To be: 2 câu.
II/ Hoàn thành câu theo gợi ý (2 đ – 4 câu)
“So and neither”.
“too and either”
Languge focus 4.
Ex: Ba: I like mangoes (too).
III/ Giới từ ( 2đ- 4 câu)
- Keep feet, Stay healthy
- Activities
On, in, with 
IV/ Đọc hiểu: (2 điểm- 4câu ).
Đọc đoạn hội thoại + trả lời câu hỏi (Going out) 
Trong đó 1 câu Yes/ No
V/ Sắp xếp các từ xáo trộn thành câu hoàn chỉnh: Free time (2 điểm).
- 1 câu “Would you like?”
- 1 câu “prefer to ”
- 1 câu “ be going to..”
- 1 câu “I’d like to.”
2013 - 2014
Thời gian 45 phút
I/ Read the following passage and answer the questions: (2,5ms)
 Hoa’s father, Mr Tuan, is a farmer. He works more hours than Tim’s father. He usually starts work at six in the morning. He has breakfast, then he feeds the buffalo, pigs and chickens, and collects the eggs.
 From about nine in the morning until four in the afternoon, Mr Tuan works in the fields with his brother. They grow some rice, but their main crop is vegetables. From 12 to 1 o’clock, Mr Tuan rests and eats lunch.
 At four in the afternoon, they come back home. Mr. Tuan feeds the animals again. Then he cleans the buffalo shed and the chicken coop. His work usually finishes at six.
 Our or five times a year when there is less work, Mr. Tuan takes a day off. He goes to the city with his wife. A farmer has no real vacations.
 1/ Does Mr. Tuan feed the animals before he has breakfast in the morning ?
 2/ When does Mr.Tuan rest and eat lunch ?
 3/ What does Mr. Tuan do after he feeds the animals again ?
 4/ How many times a year does Mr.Tuan have less work?
 5/ Where does Mr.Tuan’s brother works ?
II/ Put the words into brackets in the correct tenses :( 2ms)
1/ Nam (go)  to school six days a week.
2/ Hoa always (help)  her mother after finishing her homework.
3/ Tim (go) camping with Hoa nextweek.
4/ Every day she go to school by bus, but today she (walk)...... to school.
III/ Fill in the blanks with suitable words :(1,5 ms)
activities break difference cafeteria snacks
drinks breaks different lessons lunchtime
Schools in the USA are a little (1) from schools in Vietnam. Usually, there is no school uniform. Classes start at 8:30 or 4 o’clock. There are no (2) on Saturday.
Students have one hour for lunch and two 20-minute (3)  each day. One break is in the morning, the other is in the afternoon. Students often go to the school (4)  and buy snacks and (5)  at a break or at lunchtime. The most popular after-school (6) are baseball, footbal and basketball.
IV/ Fill in the blanks by using the prepositions:
 1/ There is a bookshelf .. the corner of the room.
 2/ The bookstore is . a cinema and a restaurant.
 3/ My neiborhood is a busy street .. District 1.
 4/ There is a rug  the floor in the living room.
 5/ The toy store behind the hospital and the bakery next to the toy store; so the hospital . the bakery.
 6/ Nam is always late  school.
 7/ They never have time to play a whole game  recess.
 8/ It has about 1000km  shelves.
V/ Write four sentences about activities that you usually do after school: 
Answer Key
I/ Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm:
 1/ No, he doesn’t
 2/ He rests and eats lunch from 12 to 1 o’clock.
 3/ After he feeds the animals again, he cleans the buffalo shed and the chicken coop.
 4/ He takes a day off four or five times a year.
 5/ He works in the fields.
II/ Mỗi từ đúng được 0.5 điểm:
 1/ goes
 2/ helps
 3/ will go
 4/ is walking
III/ Mỗi từ đúng được 0.25 điểm:
 1/ different
 2/ lessons
 3/ breaks
 4/ cafeteria
 5/ drinks
 6/ activities
IV/ Mỗi từ đúng được 0.5 điểm:
 1/ on
 2/ between
 3/ in
 4/ on
 5/ in front of
 6/ for
 7/ at
 8/ of
V/ Mỗi câu đúng được 0.5 điểm:

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  • docde_kiem_tra_hoc_ki_1_tieng_anh_lop_7_nam_hoc_2013_2014_truon.doc